Basic information

Name:小森ほたる(Hotaru Komori)

Date of birth:1996/04/12

Height:163 cm

Body shape:B88(G Cup)— W60 — H88

Constellation: Aries

Born: Japan

Job: Artist, Model

Name Hotaru Komori, from Osaka Prefecture, born on April 12, 1996, 163 cm tall, blood type B, artist, model, likes to travel to Korea, likes to drink while walking, ミスiD2021 Seed contestant, the 2nd round of Sunspo GoGOQueen general mobilization, won the first runner-up special award of the first generation Miss Neon Yukata event, the 1st DVD “ほろよいほたる” will be released on May 20, 2021, and belongs to TRUSTAR.

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